strapbot is an open-source useful discord bot that has some useful features
it is written in python and uses
it can also be used as a base for your own bot as long as you follow
the license
source code
aiocvv is an api wrapper for classeviva written in python using asyncio.
it is made to be easy to use and handles caching and rate limits since the api has lots of them
source code
latest release
libpt6964 is a c++ library to interact with a segmented display that's
managed by the pt6964 chip.
for now this library only fits my use case, but i might adapt it to be
more generic soon.
source code
discord goose is a bot that messes with your discord server, sends a
random message in a random channel, or joins a voice channel and says "honk"
also it is completely configurable so you can choose the channels you don't want it to send messages in.
the bot has been inspired by the
desktop goose app
the bot is offline at the moment
debianissimo is a porting of the ordissimo os to any computer, originally born as a joke
it can be installed using the guide available on the github organization [in italian]